Since 2000, we have made enormous progress towards universal primary education with 91 percent of children in developing countries enrolled in primary school. This is a good start, but we still have a long way to go. The 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have committed to achieving inclusive and quality education for all to promote lifelong learning by 2030. This goal will be achieved by ensuring free and equitable access to quality early childhood education, and primary and secondary schooling for all. Save the Children lobbied for, and is working to support this goal, by striving to ensure that all children can read by the time they leave primary school, and that all children caught up in humanitarian crises have access to quality education. Our work engages children before they enter the school system, by supporting parents, early childhood teachers and children themselves through early childhood care and development programmes. Our Literacy Boost efforts will continue to reach the most poor and marginalised children in the world, supporting them to learn the basic literacy and numeracy skills needed to survive in the 21st century. We are working to guarantee universal access to quality education, supporting children living in areas of conflict and humanitarian crisis to return to school, because we believe that access to a quality education is a fundamental human right. - Save the children